Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Concrete Angel by Martina McBride

She walks to school with a lunch she packed
Nobody knows what she's holding back;
Wearing the same dress she wore yesterday,
She hides the bruises with the linen and lace;

The teacher wonders but she doesn't ask,
It's hard to see the pain behind the mask;
Bearing the burdon of a secret storm,
Sometimes she wishes she was never born;

Through the wind and the rain,
She stands hard as a stone in a world that she can't rise above;
But her dreams give her wings and she flies to a place where she's loved.

Concrete Angel

Somebody cries in the middle of the night,
The neighbors hear but they turn out the lights;
A fragile soul caught in the hands of fate,
When morning comes it will be too late.

Through the wind and the rain,
She stands hard as a stone in a world that she can't rise above;
But her dreams give her wings and she flies to a place where she's loved.

Concrete Angel

A statue stands in a shaded place,
An angel girl with an upturned face;
Her name is written on a polished rock,
A broken heart that the world forgot.

Through the wind and the rain,
She stands hard as a stone in a world that she can't rise above;
But her dreams give her wings and she flies to a place where she's loved.

Concrete Angel

Have you ever listened to a song and recognized that it contains similes and allusions to the bible? Songs often use several poetic devices throughout the lyrics to express the meaning of the song more effectively. Concrete angel by Martina McBride is a song that contains several poetic devices. Concrete angel is about a girl who gets abused by her parents; the teachers and neighbors recognize there is something wrong with her life at home but they decide to just leave it and the girl dies because she was neglected. The title "Concrete Angel" is a poetic device itself; the title is an oxymoron since angels are meant to be free spirited loving creatures and concrete is hard and dull. One of the themes portrayed by Concrete Angel is that anyone can stop their life to get an innocent child help instead of letting them suffer and die. The girl goes to school "[hiding] the bruises with linen and lace," this contrasts one another when you wear linen and lace it is a symbol of innocence and perfection but for this young girl it is just covering up the abuse and neglect caused by her parents." Her name written on a polished rock" is imagery. It provides us a picture of a tombstone in a graveyard with the girl’s name on it, providing us that she has died. The song does a very good job emphasizing words and phrases like" a statue stands in a shaded place" being a good example of alliteration and emphasizing how this girl is getting ignored and resembling a statue like figure." "She stands hard as a stone" is a simile for the girl trying to be strong and ignore the abuse, neglect and the pain she receives from her parents.

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