Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Fantasy World

  Jane asked “Are you ever going to take your eyes off the paper?”
          “Of course,” said Bob, “when I’m done with it.”
“Well how bout you get done with it now, you never acknowledge me anymore.”
         “Dear, I do acknowledge you but your just not interesting, he sighed, and you don’t ever care to listen to me when I’m talking to you, so why should I?”
“I’m sorry that I’m not interested in your fantasy crap!” Jane screamed as she walked away.
        Bob replied, “Well I’m sorry that we ever got married.”
“Don’t you say that you wish we never got married,” Jane exclaimed, “because I’m the one who got you in the media.” “I’m the one who got you famous.”
           “I’m sorry Jane; I should have never said that, you’re right I would have been nothing if I had never met you. How about we start over?” Said Bob
“Ok, replied Jane, how was your day today?”
          “Very depressing, all I did was mess up my lines; I could not get them right.” Bob explained.
“That’s not good, how about you practice your lines with me?” Jane asked
          “What a great idea.” So off Bob went to get his lines and rehearse them with his wife, Jane.

The next day, Jane asked “Bob how did your acting go today? Did you remember all your lines?”
         “Yes, honey I never forgot one line. Thanks for all your help, I couldn’t have done it without you, you’re a lifesaver.” After that day Bob and Jane never fought again, for they discussed their problems before they got out of control.

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