Sunday, November 28, 2010

College app

Desirae Martin is what they call me. I am a big deal. I can race around the world in a day. I can do homework in less than a minute. I can sleep for 4 hours with it being only 4 minutes. Climbing Mount Everest was a breeze to me. People call me crazy but really I’m extraordinary. I am better than the Dog Whisperer; for I am the horse whisperer. I can teach horses to bark, cook and even fetch. I can train a stallion to be tranquil in only 20 minutes.  Wednesdays after school, I swim, bike and run the Ironman course in less than an hour. I am super women. Thursdays I eat reindeer. Fridays I ride to school on a porcupine.  Ellen gets all her ideas from me and doctors come to me for advice since I’m the smartest doctor in the world. I am an environmentalist; I recycle everything and only use organic cleaners. I ride kangaroos in the arctic and swim with polar bears in Mexico. I have spoken with Ghandi and survived the gas chambers during the holocaust. This all may seem crazy, but only I Desirae Martin have done such miraculous things.

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