Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Unexpected Twist

      It was a dark and stormy night. George was sweating bullets for Curley was bent out of shape about Lennie killing his wife. Outside of the bunkhouse Curley was chomping at the bit to get this fight started. “Lennie destroyed my wife, he’s going to get it” Curley said. “I beg to differ Lennie never wanted to kill her.” George was quick as a bunny and dodged Curley’s swing to the chest. George had something up his sleeve. George pinned Curley down and went for the gogoplata. George fought to the bitter end. Curley caused an unexpected twist, he flipped George onto his back, George was very concerned for that Curley was not going to lighten up. This was George’s worst nightmare. Winning was everything to Curley.